
Hi there 👋, I'm Samuel Ramos

Full Stack Developer | Specialized in Scalable Web and Mobile Solutions

I am a highly skilled full-stack developer with a passion for building modern, scalable web and mobile applications. With deep knowledge in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, and Docker, I strive to deliver high-performance, clean, and maintainable code.


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🌟 Expertise:

  • Frontend: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Styled Components
  • Backend: Node.js, NestJS, Express
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • DevOps: Docker, Git, CI/CD, Kubernetes (basic)
  • Mobile Development: React Native, Flutter
  • Testing: Jest, Cypress, React Testing Library

I have a proven track record of working on diverse projects, from frontend-heavy applications to robust backend architectures. My projects focus on performance, user experience, and code scalability, often integrating cloud services and containerization for efficient deployment.

🚀 Current Focus:

  • Building scalable mobile-first applications
  • Developing TypeScript and Flutter projects
  • Learning more about advanced DevOps practices

📫 How to Reach Me:

🛠️ Tech Stack:

CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript TypeScript Gatsby WordPress React React Native Styled Components Tailwind CSS Node.js NestJS Docker MySQL PostgreSQL Git Lua Java

💻 My GitHub Stats:

<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="GitHub Stats" /> <img src="" alt="GitHub Streak" /> <img src="" alt="Top Languages" /> </p>

🏆 GitHub Achievements:

<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="GitHub Trophies" /> </p>

🌱 What I’m Learning:

  • Flutter: Exploring the cross-platform mobile development framework.
  • Advanced TypeScript: Deepening my knowledge of type safety and advanced design patterns.
  • DevOps: Improving my skills in Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD pipelines.

🎯 Fun Fact:

Did you know? Google was initially named "Backrub" before the name was changed to reference the mathematical term "googol," which represents the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Feel free to connect with me on any of my social platforms. Let's collaborate and build something amazing!

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